Pornhub Premium is the paid version of Pornhub. By paying for the premium version you get an ad-free experience, access to over 13,000 full-length porn movies and over unlock the VR section of the website that contains over 1,000 exclusive VR porn videos.
Since you want to cancel Pornhub Premium membership we’ve prepared a simple step-by-step that will help you cancel your subscription in under 3 minutes.
Brazzers – Best Premium Porn Site
Are you looking for something better than Pornhub Premium? With our Brazzers discount, you will get access to over 10,000 exclusive porn videos featuring over 2,000 of the hottest pornstars. Sign up today and get access to Brazzers for 67% cheaper. Membership starts from $9.99 per month.

Cancel Your Pornhub Premium Account
Pornhub Premium made it very simple to cancel your account. All you need to do is follow these steps below and you will be able to cancel your Pornhub Premium account in a matter of minutes. The cancellation steps are the same for monthly, yearly or even trial access.
1. Visit Pornhub Premium Support
The first thing you need to do is visit the Pornhub Premium support page and select Billing Questions in the top right corner of the website.

2. Select “Cancel my Membership”
Once you’re on the Billing Page scroll down and click on the question “How do I cancel my membership?”. Click on the “cancellation method” link once the area expands.

3. Choose the cancellation method
Pornhub Premium gives you 3 options to cancel your membership. You can either call them, chat with them online or fill out a form. You can choose the one you prefer but I would suggest going with live chat since it’s the most convenient way.
If you decided to cancel Pornhub Premium via live chat or phone make sure to have your billing details ready. Prepare your purchase information such as full name, email, and last 4 digits of your credit card.
If you’re still having issues with canceling your membership you can contact us and we will try to help you.
Pornhub Premium Alternatives
Now that you have successfully canceled your Pornhub Premium account it’s time to move to the next thing. We’ve put together a list of premium porn sites that we think are better than Pornhub Premium and will bring you the best porn for your buck.

1. Brazzers Network
Brazzers has been around for a very long time and they continue to surprise with high-quality porn, hot pornstars and great price.

2. Reality Kings
Another great alternative to Pornhub Premium is Reality Kings. Get 1000’s of videos featuring the hottest pornstars in the biz.

3. AdultTime
AdultTime network will give you access to over 50,000 porn videos from the most popular porn studios featuring beautiful pornstars.
What’s next? If you didn’t find your Pornhub Premium alternative yet make sure to check out our porn discounts. You can save a lot of money with our deals.